Regina Scully: Inner Beings
Inner Beings
Yellow Boots
Yellow Boots is a quiet thinker and can be found contemplating different outside environments and atmospheres. Yellow Boots has been through fires and floods and often shifts into meditative states and radiates healing energy out to repair what's broken.
Yellow Boots is made from a used paint tube, a chair from a vintage game, and a pair of doll boots painted yellow. Two of my paintings make up the floor and backdrop in this scene.
Bumble with Pail
Bumble thinks a lot about the details in life and for many years felt a great deal of anxiety when something was out of place. It was at a plant medicine retreat her friends insisted she attend, where Bumble learned to balance two sides of herself--the one that worries over what is not quite right, with the one that fixes what is not quite right.
Bumble is made from drawn-on miniature flower pots, a plastic tube, a game piece, yellow BBs, metal washers, and a yellow pom pom.
Cat Teacher with Blue Sky
Cat Teacher is traveling about the city doing errands on a very beautiful clear blue-sky day. She carries abstract keys and her purchases at her side and the weight of her thoughts in the bottle of her belly.
Cat Teacher is made from beads, toy parts, rolled paper, BBs, nails, glass bottle, doll necklace, and a plastic container top painted yellow.
Fez on Steps
Cat Teacher is traveling about the city doing errands on a very beautiful clear blue-sky day. She carries abstract keys and her purchases at her side and the weight of her thoughts in the bottle of her belly.
Cat Teacher is made from beads, toy parts, rolled paper, BBs, nails, glass bottle, doll necklace, and a plastic container top painted yellow.
Luna was born on the moon but longed to live under the sun. Each day, when everyone was asleep, she slipped from her bed, and down off the edge of the moon to earth where she sailed through the trees and pretended all of the flickering golden beams of light were trying to catch her. When she finally felt tired, she stopped to catch her breath and returned back up to the moon, feeling balanced in her experience each day, of both the light and the dark.
Luna is made from polymer clay and a plastic bead. Two of my drawings are the floor and backdrop in the scene.
Yellow Boots with Tracks
Sometimes Yellow Boots sits by the train tracks and ponders the many different directions it’s possible to go in life.
Yellow Boots is made from a used paint tube, a chair from a vintage game, and a pair of doll boots painted yellow. Two of my paintings make up the floor and backdrop in this scene.
Spy used to work as a private detective for all kinds of characters and crooks. Now he lives in Southeast Florida and spends his days looking inward, letting go of the past, falling in love with his therapist, and feeling happier than he’s ever felt in his life.
Spy is created with a chair from a vintage game, a doll shoe, a used paint container from my studio, black rubber found object, eyes from my grandmother’s art supply box, a mirror, and a wire plug.
Pink Lady
Pink Lady has always been a robot but always wanted to be a lady. She started wearing pink every day long ago, and even though she never stopped looking like a robot, everyone just started calling her Pink Lady, because it made her happy.
Pink Lady is made from an eraser, toy pieces, packaging cover, metal washers, and a rubber hardware plug.
Stix îs from one of the few remaining fishing villages found amidst the tiny islands off the northern coast of Venezuela. He is a man of the sea, and builds beautiful strong carved boats that mysteriously glide above the ocean and seem to survive all perils at sea.
Stix is made from a circuit cover, toy pieces, glass bottle, burned matches, beads, colored tape, metal washers, toothpicks, martini pick from my grandmother's art supply box.
Fire Traveler
Fire Traveler became known as Fire Traveler when she left Amsterdam in the the early 2000s and began making a long zig-zagged trek across terrains that no longer held city names but became brightly lit stages for her intoxicating dances with fire. People from all around would gather to experience the way her magic ignited a passion in their hearts that lived forever.
Fire Traveler is made from wooden toy blocks, electrical cover, toy hat, rubber plier covers, string, miniature suitcases, mushroom, plastic fire, and an eraser.
Fez with Traffic
Occasionally Fez has to walk into town to get supplies for her beach house. For Fez’s quiet mind, the traffic can seem particularly loud as it soars by. She often decides to pause and find something pleasant to glance at while she takes a breath and summons her fortitude to cross the busy streets, reminding herself she will soon be back home by the shore to see the waves come in and hear the birds gather.
Fez is made from a 3-prong electrical plug, a glue-stick cap, wooden building block, small dowel, toy piece, and a yellow BB.
Cat Teacher
Cat Teacher winds through the busy inner city streets finishing her errands. She pauses once or twice to gaze across the crowded horizon, through an opening in the tall buildings, wondering if the pink smog in the distance will one day subside. Cat Teacher carries abstract keys and her purchases at her side and the weight of her thoughts in the bottle of her belly.
Cat Teacher is made from beads, toy parts, rolled paper, BBs, nails, glass bottle, doll necklace, plastic container top painted yellow.
Trigg (short for Trigger) grew up in a Japanese toy store and was the first female gaming character to top the fighting charts. Happy with her success, but longing to embark on a new adventure, Trigg escaped a large cargo ship bound for NYC with refurbished toys, during its brief dock in New Orleans. After three days of roaming unknown streets, Trigg ran into an artist named Regina and found a welcome home in her studio.
Trigg is made from a toy building block, a paint bottle top, plastic washer, doll hair, toy hat, toy piece, electrical charge tester, medical lab supplies, a game ball, and map pin.